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Critical Local SEO KPIs For Businesses: How To Improve Performance


Local SEO requirements are different from general SEO. The latter is a vast domain, with many Key Performance Indicators or KPIs to work it. Once in a while, we all come across SEO reports with bloated information and no actionable insights.

When working tirelessly to boost your SEO rankings, especially the local business, you need to know essential KPIs. This will save you from the trouble of focusing on irrelevant factors and create a winning local SEO strategy.

But if you are unaware of local SEO KPIs, how can you track them?

In simplest terms, these KPIs are like your virtual compass, guiding you toward success in the digital realm. They are essential to assess the effectiveness of your local SEO efforts and measure how well your business is performing in local search results. Google My Business (GMB) is the new local SEO tool that every business must focus on.

Now, you might wonder, which KPIs should you focus on?

Great question! Here are the key local SEO KPIs you should base your local SEO efforts on.


Website Clicks 

If your primary goal from local SEO efforts is to drive website clicks, then you should focus on the “Website Click” KPI.

Google My Business (GMB) offers various functionalities allowing users to interact directly with a business from the search engine results page (SERP). They can call the business, read reviews, view photos, browse products and services, ask questions, message, and even make bookings or reservations. Even with all these options, there are still some opportunities to encourage users to click through to a website from GMB. By including a website link, an appointment link, Google products, and Google posts, businesses can increase the chances of getting users to visit their website.

To measure the number of website clicks via GMB, you can use GMB Insights. This feature provides data on “website clicks” and allows you to view the total number of visits to your website through the “Website” link in your business profile. Unfortunately, it doesn’t include clicks from other elements in your GMB profile.

Alternatively, Google Analytics can come to the rescue. By setting up GMB UTM tagging, you can track website clicks using GA. By selecting GMB traffic in the campaign data and applying filters, you can see the number of website visitors that arrived via GMB. Moreover, Google Analytics can break down the visitors based on which element in GMB they clicked on. This way, you can see which parts of GMB, such as the primary website link, Google posts, or Google products, drive the most traffic to your website.

Phone Calls

Another local SEO KPI that can be a game-changer for local businesses is Phone Calls. Whether it’s a booking inquiry, a purchase request, or a query about specific requirements, these interactions can lead to valuable opportunities.

To measure calls to your business through Google My Business (GMB), you can rely on GMB Insights. It provides call data that shows the number of clicks on the ‘call’ button in your GMB profile. Simply navigate to the ‘calls’ tab to view the calls received through your GMB listing during your selected timeframe.

You can also set up Google Analytics to measure calls to your business. To track visitors who are referred to your website through a link on GMB and then proceed to click on a ‘click-to-call’ button, you’ll need to set up UTM tagging and define relevant goals and events. You can monitor phone number clicks by adding an event using Google Tag Manager and setting up the corresponding goal in GA. Filter your GA data to focus on GMB traffic, and you’ll be able to see the number of website visitors coming from your GMB listing. Select the appropriate goal, such as ‘click to call,’ to track conversions.

Additionally, if your business utilizes a third-party call-tracking platform, you can integrate those metrics into your analysis.

By leveraging these methods, you can gain insights into the number of phone calls generated by your website visitors who discovered your business through your GMB profile, the Map Pack, or Google Maps. This comprehensive approach lets you have a clear picture of the impact of phone calls on your business and make informed decisions to optimize your performance.

Business Profile Interactions 

There are several GMB profile interactions that are essential for your local SEO; if we have to pick the most critical ones, we will choose the following:

  1. Calls: As mentioned above, this metric tracks the number of phone calls initiated by users and indicates how much interest your customers have in your services.
  2. Messages: Businesses can now manage messages on desktops, allowing direct customer communication.
  3. Bookings: This metric applies if you have integrated a third-party booking partner and enabled Reserve with Google, enabling users to make bookings directly through your GMB profile.
  4. Directions: This metric tracks the number of times users request directions to your business location.
  5. Website clicks: As discussed earlier, it measures the number of times users clicks on the website link in your GMB profile.

The total number of actions taken on your business profile is a valuable indicator of GMB performance. However, it’s crucial to analyze the data thoughtfully. Consider whether any fluctuations in the overview of these actions are influenced by seasonality or external events at a local or broader level.

Furthermore, assessing the significance of peaks in individual profile interactions is crucial. For example, an increase in phone calls may not necessarily indicate a positive outcome if it is driven by disgruntled or dissatisfied customers rather than potential sales.

By thoroughly examining the data and understanding the context behind the metrics, businesses can gain insights into their GMB performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions to enhance their overall success.

Take Away 

Every business has its unique requirements. The discussed local SEO KPIs are suitable for monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of SEO efforts for many businesses.

But your goals don’t need to fall within these KPIs. For instance, your business goals may include form submissions, newsletter signups, whitepaper downloads, appointment bookings, or click-to-email actions. As a local marketer, it is crucial to understand how your activities contribute to these conversions. For tracking such goals, you can use Google Analytics. Here’s a great resource on how to set up Google Analytics goals.

Regardless of your business type, measuring the impact of your local marketing efforts on the bottom line is crucial to demonstrate the return on investment. Start with the three common local SEO KPIs, and if these metrics are not already in place, it is essential to set them up immediately. This will enable you to benchmark existing performance and unleash your local SEO strategy’s full potential to generate more phone calls and boost offline and online sales.


  • Ankit Pandey

    Hey, I'm Ankit Pandey, the Founder behind Ranklogs which is a culmination of my over 15 years of experience in the SEO industry. My journey has been fueled by a deep-seated passion for digital marketing when I founded SeoEaze, a leading digital marketing agency, in 2009, which has helped numerous businesses achieve their online goals. My expertise lies in crafting innovative SEO strategies that drive organic growth and enhance online visibility. Over the years, I have successfully worked on over 500 digital marketing campaigns for some of the largest brands in the industry. This extensive experience has honed my ability to deliver exceptional results and stay ahead of industry trends. When I'm not immersed in the world of SEO, you can find me sharing insights and connecting with fellow professionals on LinkedIn or Twitter (X).

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