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How to fix large page size issues?

1 min read

The issue flags the website pages that have a size exceeding 256 kilobytes.

What Triggered the Issue? 

Ranklogs bot encountered pages that have code exceeding the recommended size of 256KB. Heavier pages affect the loading speed of the site. Optimizing the page size is necessary as slow-loading pages can lower the search engine rankings.

Please note that this error highlights too much HTML content in the background of the page and not the frontend content that users see.

Do not confuse page speed with the site load speed. The two are different concepts. To know more, refer to this guide on what is page speed.

Why is it important to fix pages with too large HTML size?

Fast loading pages are not user-friendly. If there are too many HTML elements or unoptimized code on the page, it can affect the performance of the browser as well. Lightweight pages make user interaction with the website much easier.

Faster web pages provide better conversions. Web pages that load within 2 seconds have 3x more conversions than pages that load in 5 seconds and 5x more conversions than pages loading in 10 seconds.

To optimize HTML code, take the following steps:

  • Minify HTML code to compress the size
  • Enable GZIP for the web pages
  • Disable plugins that might take a lot of space on your site
  • Update or delete obsolete plugins


Google has a guide on best practices for web performance.