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Fix No Valid Sitemap SEO Issue

The error indicates that your website has no or missing sitemap.

What triggered this issue?

This issue is flagged when Ranklogs bots do not detect an XML sitemap on the site.

It can result from a missing XML sitemap or missing XML tags.

Why is it important to have a sitemap installed? 

A sitemap is important to a website as it tells search engine crawlers which are the most important pages on a website. Sitemaps are also essential to help make sense of a website’s navigation.

You must keep your website’s sitemap optimized and organized to help search engine crawlers find important links. This will help them cache information and keep it updated when publishing or updating pages.

How to fix the issue? 

You can easily use our Free XML Sitemap Generator to create a sitemap for your website.

Simply input the website domain, adjust other settings and choose how many pages you want to be included in the sitemap.